Friday, November 16, 2007

Diamonds for the pipe gods

I did the unthinkable. Something that for four and a half years I was so afraid of doing. And I finally went ahead and did it. I lost my engagement ring. Yep. Gone forever, down the drain, perhaps on a short or a long journey to its resting place.
Almost lost the wedding band too. That would have been more traumatic, but maybe its blessedness is what helped it to get caught in the drain before hittin the pipes.
I suspect it may have been little Stubbers that assisted me in my loss but I am not positive and I take full responsibility anyway, but man it sucks. I may be able to get the same ring from the designers but I won't know until they come back from vacation in January. I don't want a different ring, I tried on hundreds before and this is my ring. I hope it works out. Thank goodness for insurance, otherwise I would be totally devastated! I am going back to never taking them off again that is for sure!

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