Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Wild Wiley

On Sunday, May 17th 2009, The Brousseau Clan became a sextet.
It's a boy and his name is Wiley!

He is one year old and is half border collie and half blue heeler.

He is really quite beautiful with his unique markings and is a bit of a smarty pants. We will be able to train him to do all kinds of fun things!
These first few pictures were from our first night with him.

Below is in my office where he hangs with me all day and has become a Camp Fire dog!

He is awesome, we got an amazing dog and the whole experience has been better than we imagined!
We are still integrating him into the house with the cats, Mocha is interested, Stubby is curious but Minou is ticked off, she has quite a growl to her!
Each day seems to get a little smoother, another couple weeks and I am sure things will be fine!
Wild Wiley has stolen our hearts!
Oh yeah, and yes, he is named after Wile E. Coyote...we hear from people on a regular basis how he resembles a coyote. You should see his shadow in the road when he is on point!